Results for 'Leha-ḲAdmon Avraham Bar ḤIya Ha-NaśI'

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  1. Hegyon ha-nefesh ha-ʻatsuvah.Leha-ḲAdmon Avraham Bar ḤIya Ha-NaśI - 2001 - In Abraham ben David Abraham bar Hiyya Savasorda & Ibn Daud (eds.), Shene sefarim niftaḥim. [Israel?: Ḥ. Mo. L..
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  2. Ani ṿe-hanaʻar: ha-naʻar ṿe-darko ba-maʻavar mi-ḳaṭnut le-gadlut, gil ha-Bar Mitsṿah.Avraham Yaʻaḳov Leṿi - 2000 - Yerushalayim: A.Y. Leṿi.
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  3. Sefer Toldot Yaʻaḳov Yosef: ṿe-hu perush ha-Rambam ʻal Pirḳe Avot, u-Shemonah peraḳim leha-Rambam ṿe-hem haḳdamah le-ferusho ; ʻim haḳdamat Rabi Shemuʼel Ibn Tibon ; u-ferush Ḥesed Avraham leha-rav R. Avraham Horṿits zal = Commentaire du Perek de Maïmonide, avec les 8 Chapitres (Traite philosophique) avec la préface de R. Samuel Ben Thibbone.Shmuel Ibn Tibbon, Yosef ben Daṿid Genasiyah, Moses Maimonides & Abraham ben Shabbetai Sheftel Horowitz (eds.) - 1953 - G'erbah: Bi-defus Ḥai Ḥadad.
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    The Imperative Forms of Proto-Semitic and a New Perspective on Barth's Law.Elitzur Avraham Bar-Asher - 2008 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 128 (2):233-255.
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    G but not g: In search of the evolutionary continuity of intelligence.Moran Bar-Hen-Schweiger, Avraham Schweiger & Avishai Henik - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40:e199.
    Conceptualizing intelligence in its biological context, as the expression of manifold adaptations, compels a rethinking of measuring this characteristic in humans, relying also on animal studies of analogous skills. Mental manipulation, as an extension of object manipulation, provides a continuous, biologically based concept for studying G as it pertains to individual differences in humans and other species.
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  6. Hăḍagăsena caritaya.Hēnpiṭagedara Ñānasīha - 1969 - Pātakaḍa: Anura Mudraṇālaya.
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  7. Minisā hā jīvita paramārthaya.Hēnpiṭagedara Ñānasīha - 1968
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  8. Sefer zikaron Avo bam: le-zikhro umi-torato shel Avraham Aba ha-Leṿi Zayons.Avraham Aba Zayons & Yeḥezḳel Leṿinshṭain (eds.) - 1996 - Lakewood, N.J.: Zayons.
    Śiḥot maran ha-Mashgiaḥ Mohari Leṿinshṭain, zatsal -- Ḥidushe torato ʻa. Mas. B.ḳ. ṿe-liḳuṭim -- Leḳeṭ mi-maʼamraṿ mi-moreshet Daṿid Heber ṿe-ʻinyene ha-shaʻah.
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  9. Sefer Derekh Mosheh.Leha-Darshan Mosheh Beha-Rav Meʼir Ha-Kohen HenṭMan - 1999 - In Zeʼev Goṭlib, Avraham ben Yehuda Leyb, Yitsḥaḳ ben Eliʻezer & Mosheh Kahana (eds.), Sheloshah sifre musar ḳadmonim. Yerushalayim: Mekhon "Shaʻare Tsiyon".
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    Berakhah le-Avraham: asupat maʼamarim le-khibud ha-Rav Prof. Avraham ha-Leṿi Shṭainberg, sheliṭa, mi-peri ʻiṭam shel yedidaṿ u-moḳiraṿ bi-melot lo shishim shanah, be-tosefet ketavim shel avot ha-mishpaḥah.Avraham Steinberg & Yitsḥaḳ Ilan Shṭainberg (eds.) - 2008 - Yerushalayim: Le-haśagat ha-sefer, Yitsḥaḳ Ilan ha-Leṿi Shṭainberg.
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  11. Yesod Yosef.Joseph ben Solomon Calahora, Ḥayim Yitsḥaḳ Aharon, Eliyahu Saliman Mani, Moses ben Menahem Graf, Shimʻon ben Daṿid Abayov & Avraham Bar Shem Ṭov (eds.) - 1977 - [Yerushalayim: Ḥ. Mo. L..
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  12. Yesodot ha-fisiḳah ha-ḥadashah.Avraham Ashkenazi - 1971 - Yerushalayim: Aḳademon, Bet ha-hotsaʼah shel Histadrut ha-sṭudenṭim shel ha-Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit. Edited by Arye Weinreb & Dan Shamir.
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  13. Ruaḥ Ha-Mishpaṭ: ʻal Ha-Sinteṭi-Afryori Be-Torat Ha-Mishpaṭ Ha-Hilkhatit Ṿeha-Klalit.Mikhaʼel Avraham - 2011 - Tam.
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  14. Le-hitbonen: pirḳe hadrakhah ṿe-hitbonenut ba-derekh ha-ʻolah.Avraham Pinḥas Braier - 2015 - Ashdod: [Avraham Pinḥas Braier].
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  15. Sefer Netivot ha-ish: peninim u-genazim.Avraham Yeshayahu Karelitz - 2009 - Yerushalayim: Grainiman.
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  16. ha-Adam mahu?Avraham Adereth - 1964
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  17. Be-khol meʼodekha: kamah ḥayav adam bi-mesirot le-mitsṿot, mesirut nefesh, mesirot mamon, mesirot guf ṿe-ʻod, peraṭe ha-dinim be-mitsṿot regilot uve-mitsṿot yoʼatsot min ha-kelal ʻim beʼurim ṿe-ʻiyunim.Avraham M. Avidan - 2024 - Yerushalayim: "Yad Mikhal", mifʻale Yorah ṿa-ḥesed.
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    Madʻe ha-ḥofesh: ha-im yesh lanu beḥirah ḥofshit?: fiziḳah, filosofyah u-madʻe ha-moaḥ.Mikhaʼel Avraham - 2013 - Tel-Aviv: Sifre ḥemed.
    "מבע אנתרופולוגי אל העולם החרדי בישראל, אל האתרים שבהם חרדים מטפלים בחרדים הסובלים מהפרעות נפשיות". -- מפרסום ההוצאה.
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  19. Sefer Naḥalat Yaʻaḳov: kolel shene ḥalaḳim ki-mevoʼar ba-shaʻar ha-sheni.Yaʻaḳov ben Avraham - 1879 - [New York?: Ḥ. Mo. L..
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  20. Sefer Yesod ha-ʻavodah: hu yesod ʻavodat ish ha-Yiśreʼeli ba-ʻavodat ha-ḳodesh..Avraham - 1984 - Yerushalayim: Mosdot Ḥaside Slonim "Beʼer Avraham".
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    Be-maʻalot ha-tevunah.Avraham Gitit - 2013 - [Israel]: ha-Duvdevan, hotsaʼah la-or.
  22. ha-Pashṭut ha-raʻayonit be-sod ha-ḳiyum =.Avraham Farid Gitait - 2018 - Azor: Sifre Tsameret.
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  23. Ḥazon ha-ish: be-ʻinyene emunah u-viṭaḥon, Torah u-musar, midot ṿe-hanhagot..Avraham Yeshayahu Karelitz - 1996 - Yerushalayim: Mekhon Pitḥe megadim. Edited by M. Avni.
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  24. Peraḳim be-haguto ha-ḥevratit shel M.M. Buber: yaḥid, ḥavrutah ṿe-sotsyalizm.Avraham Yassour - 1981 - Tel-Aviv: Alef.
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  25. Adaptation to Laterally Asymmetrical Visuomotor Delay Has an Effect on Action But Not on Perception.Chen Avraham, Mor Dominitz, Hana Khait, Guy Avraham, Ferdinando A. Mussa-Ivaldi & Ilana Nisky - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    Simply too complex: against non-conceptual representation of (most) complex properties.Avraham Max Kenan - 2022 - Synthese 200 (6):1–24.
    This paper connects the debate regarding perceptual representation of high-level properties and the debate regarding non-conceptual perceptual representation. I present and defend a distinction between representationally-complex properties and properties that are simpler to represent and offer ways of assessing whether a property is representationally complex. I address conditions under which such a property might be non-conceptually represented and conclude that most representationally-complex properties are simply too complex to be non-conceptually represented. Thus, most mental states that represent representationally-complex properties must be (...)
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  27. Enosh ke-ḥatsir: ʻal ha-adam: guf ṿe-nefesh, regesh, śekhel ṿe-ratson.Mikhaʼel Avraham - 2007 - Kefar Ḥasidim: Hotsaʼat Tam.
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  28. (1 other version)Sefer Derekh yesharah.Reʼuven ben Avraham - 1787 - Bruḳlin: Hafatsat Torah.
    -- -- ḥeleḳ 3. Shaʻar ha-teḥinah -- ḥeleḳ 4. Shaʻar ha-segulot.
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  29. Torat ha-kategoriyot ha-taḥbiriyot.Yehoshua Bar-Hillel - 1947 - [Jerusalem,:
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  30. Ḳitsurim u-veʼurim le-Sefer ha-Tanya.Avraham Tsevi Brudna - 1990 - Yerushalayim: Mekhon Ohole Shem-Lyubaṿiṭsh. Edited by Shneur Zalman.
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  31. Hagadah shel Peh saḥ: meʻuṭeret be-divre musar ṿe-hashḳafah... be-ʻinyan galut u-geʼulat ha-dibur.Avraham ben ʻAḳiva Erlanger (ed.) - 2011 - Nanuet, NY: Feldhaim.
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  32. Ḥen Mosheh: liḳuṭ halakhot be-ʻinyene ṭipul refuʼi ṿa-ḥavalah ba-horim: nikhlelu bo ha-halakhot u-meḳorotehen... mesudarot be-seder ʻinyanim, meluḳaṭot mi-tokh ke-meʼah ṿa-ḥamishim sefarim, be-tseruf mafteḥot maḳifim u-mematsim, uve-sofo masḳanot ṿe-ḳitsur halakhot.Avraham Yaʻaḳov Goldmints - 2001 - Yerushalayim: A. Y. Goldmints.
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  33. al-Falsafah wa-qaḍāyā al-bīʼah: akhlāq al-masʼūlīyah: Hānz Yūnās namūdhajan.Wajdī Khayrī Nasīm - 2009 - al-Qāhirah: al-Majlis al-Aʻlá lil-Thaqāfah.
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  34. Kelayot yoʻatsot: maśa u-matan be-ḥiyuv hatsalat nefashot be-gidre ha-zekhiyah be-mitsṿah zo uva-devarim ha-mistaʻafim mimenah.Avraham ben Aryeh Leyb Ravits - 2000 - Yerushalayim: [Ḥ. Mo. L..
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  35. ha-Rav Ḳuḳ: ben ratsyonalizm le-misṭiḳah.Binyamin Ish Shalom & Avraham Shapira - 1990 - Tel Aviv: ʻAm ʻoved. Edited by Avraham Shapira.
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  36. Entsiḳlopedyah hilkhatit refuʼit: ha-rofe, ha-ḥoleh ṿeha-refuʼah be-aspaḳlaryat ha-halakhah u-maḥshevet Yiśraʼel: kolel kol ha-yedaʻ be-khol nośe ṿe-ʻinyan bi-teḥum ha-refuʼah ṿeha-halakhah min ha-Miḳra ṿe-sifrut Ḥazal ṿe-ʻad la-posḳim ṿela-ḥoḳrim be-yamenu be-tosefet havharot, heʻarot ṿe-heʼarot mi-teḥume ha-madaʻ, ha-refuʼah, ha-filosofyah, ha-etiḳah ṿeha-mishpaṭ.Avraham Steinberg - 1988 - Yerushalayim: Mekhon Shlezinger le-ḥeḳer ha-refuʼah ʻal pi ha-Torah le-yad ha-Merkaz ha-refuʼi Shaʻare tsedeḳ.
    kerekh 1. Av-Hanaḳah -- kerekh 2. Haskamah mi-daʻat-Ṭeḥol -- kerekh 3. Ṭerefah-Milah -- kerekh 4. Mimun ha-refuʼah-Sodiyut refuʼit -- kerekh 5. Sikun ʻatsmi-Ḳaṭan -- kerekh 6. Reʼot-Torat ha-musar.
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  37. Sefer ʻEts ḥayim: perush le-Sefer ha-ʻiḳarim.Avraham Zerbib - 1995 - Ḳiryat Arbaʻ: Mekhon Gai yinaśe.
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  38. Sefer Afiḳe mayim: śiḥot u-maʼamarim be-nośʼim shonim be-ḥaye ha-yom yom... be-ʻinyene teshuvah ṿe-Yamim Noraʼim, Sukot, parashiyot ha-shavuʻa, Ḥanukah ṿe-ʻod..Avraham ben Ḥayim Malkah - 1988 - Yerushalayim: Yeshivat Meʼor Daṿid Yerushalayim.
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    Without 'Focus'.Nirit Kadmon & Aldo Sevi - 2011 - The Baltic International Yearbook of Cognition, Logic and Communication 6:18.
    It is widely accepted that a notion of 'focus', more or less as conceived of in Jackendoff , must be incorporated into our theory of grammar, as a means of accounting for certain observed correlations between prosodic facts and semantic/pragmatic facts. In this paper, we put forth the somewhat radical idea that the time has come to give up this customary view, and eliminate 'focus' from our theory of grammar. We argue that such a move is both economical and fruitful.Research (...)
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    Accident law for egalitarians.Ronen Avraham & Issa Kohler-Hausmann - 2006 - Legal Theory 12 (3):181-224.
    This paper questions the fairness of our current tort-law regime and the philosophical underpinnings advanced in its defense, a theory known as corrective justice. Fairness requires that the moral equality and responsibility of persons be respected in social interactions and institutions. The concept of luck has been used by many egalitarians as a way of giving content to fairness by differentiating between those benefits and burdens that result from informed choice and those that result from fate or fortune. We argue (...)
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  41. (2 other versions)Sefer Yesod ha-avodah.Avraham - 1945
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  42. Sefer Zeraʻ Yitsḥaḳ: meyusad ʻal ha-sheloshah devarim sheha-ʻolam ʻomed ʻalehem..Yitsḥaḳ ben Avraham - 1788 - Bruḳlin, N.Y.: Aḥim Goldenberg.
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  43. ha-Nesher ha-gadol, ha-Rambam: mi-toldotaṿ, ʻal mishnato ṿe-torato uve-aspaḳlaryat ha-dorot.Avishai Bar-Osher - 2004 - Yerushalayim: Avishai Bar-Osher.
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  44. ha-Higayon shebe-Talmud =.Yeḥiʼel Avraham ben Binyamin Barlev - 2021 - [Israel]: Sifre Niv.
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  45. Sugyat ha-yesh.Abraham Zvie Bar-On - 1977
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  46. ha-Ḥevrah ṿe-hashpaʻatah: ʻal pi hashḳafat Ḥazal ṿe-rabotenu.Avraham Beharan - 1989 - Yerushalayim: Le-haśig ha-sefer, Aharon Beharan.
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  47. Sefer ha-gan.Leha-Gaʼon YitsḥAḳ Ben Eliʻezer - 1999 - In Zeʼev Goṭlib, Avraham ben Yehuda Leyb, Yitsḥaḳ ben Eliʻezer & Mosheh Kahana (eds.), Sheloshah sifre musar ḳadmonim. Yerushalayim: Mekhon "Shaʻare Tsiyon".
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  48. (1 other version)Netivot ha-musar.Avraham Shemuʼel Finḳel - 1961 - Tel Aviv: Tsiyoni.
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  49. Sefer Akh ṭov ṿa-ḥesed: ha-kolel pesuḳim meforashim be-shevaḥ ha-midot ha-ṭovot u-genut ha-reʻut ʻim beʼurim ṿe-ʻetsot: ṿe-nilṿeh elaṿ ḳunṭres "Ḥesed Mosheh": heʻarot ʻal Hagadah shel Pesaḥ.Avraham Kohen - 1987 - Bene-Beraḳ: A. Kohen. Edited by Avraham Kohen.
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  50. (1 other version)Ḳunṭres Maʻavir ʻal midotaṿ: beʼur maḳif u-meforaṭ be-ʻinyan isure neḳimah u-neṭirah u-maʻalat ha-maʻavir ʻal midotaṿ: be-tseruf ʻuvdot ṿe-sipure tsadiḳim: be-Idish.Avraham Yitsḥaḳ Daṿid Mermelshṭain (ed.) - 1993 - Boro Parḳ: A.Y.D. Mermelshṭain.
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